Malcolm LaVergne, OJ Simpson, & More.....

Malcom LaVergne, OJ Simpson, & More.....

Malcolm LaVergne, OJ Simpson's parole attorney blocked me on Twitter here:
but, by doing so, confirmed again to me, his and OJ Simpson's "fear" of bringing up the name Rocky Bateman in
The OJ Simpson Case & Saga + More.....

There has been a very contentious
Fued/War going on, on Twitter between Malcom LaVergne and Fred and Kim Goldman's PR firm owner Michael Wright (GarsonWrightPR). And it's basically been over the New York Post article about where Justin & Sydney Simpson are getting their money to buy Real Estate
There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever, that Malcolm LaVergne is "Playing" the "Race Card" in this Fued/War with using words like:
plantation mentality
plantation owners
and more....
Here is just a sample:
There are many more tweets on Twitter where Malcolm LaVergne is "Playing" the "Race Card."
Has OJ Simpson been illegally funneling money $$$ to others, money $$$ that should be being paid to Fred Goldman from the OJ Simpson Civil Case Judgement? We'll see. I got some information about it:
Mario George Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case


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