Mark Furhman Faye Resnick Rocky Bateman...More...

There are still many items and situations related and pertaining to The OJ Simpson Case & Saga that I have not brought out yet or, commented about years ago that have been lost......or deleted....

Ah yes, Mark Fuhrman. Just for those who may have missed it or forgot:
Please put in your google search engine:
Mark Fuhrman alibi youtube
Click on the link:
Mark Fuhrman's alibi proves to be false.
This YouTube video was made by a man named Bob Fusco
(Bob has a copyright on this video), and oh does he prove something. Mark Fuhrman, by his own words, is in 2 places at the same time, and right around the time of the murders of Nicole Simpson & Ronald Goldman. Whew. Why did Mark Fuhrman Lie about this situation?
Also, the Los Angeles Police Protective League barbecue, was held on Saturday, June 11th, 1994, NOT on June 12th, 1994.

I have my own legal impeachment of Mark Fuhrman (Fuhrman's own words) that's Big-Time, and that no one has ever even touched-on. Before the OJ Simpson Case Civil Case, Mark Fuhrman was on TV. I VHS taped many OJ Simpson Case specials, including several with Mark Fuhrman talking......Contradicting himself. At one point while VHS taping Fuhrman, I heard him make a statement about Laura Mckinney and audio tapes. I said to myself:
"wait a minute, that's a contradiction of what he said a while back and in court testimony." I went back and listened.....
.....yep, and sure enough, contradiction....
And I said to myself:
Bingo, Bingo, and Bingo......More Mark Furhman Perjury? YES.....And does it have any bearing on The Judgement in The OJ Simpson Civil Case?
And, no one (Media people, Attorneys, ect, ect,  has ever even commented about it, and/or even know about it. For me?

Faye Resnick:
Ms. Resnick also contradicts herself when she went on TV interviews related to her OJ Simpson Civil Case Deposition Testimony, and more........
Rocky Bateman
is a Pandora's Box that leads to a Bottomless Pit for Both Sides,
The Prosecution
The Defense
in The OJ Simpson Case & Saga.
What was Rocky Bateman doing at 360 Rockingham on June 14th, 1994?
What was in that duffle bag that OJ Simpson wouldn't let Kato Kaelin touch, and then was never to be seen again?
Some people have told me there were lots of illegal sporting bet receipts. Other people have told me incriminating murder evidence. And many other people have told me there take of what they think was in that bag.
Who Knows?
But does any of this lead to who(s) plural killed Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman?

For me, I have nagging and lingering feelings on why Mark Furhman lied about where he was at approximately 10:30pm right about the time of the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman.
And the "World of Faye Resnick?"

And my ex-nephew-in-law, OJ Simpson's Limousine Driver Rocky Bateman?
I know a lot
I was not at 875 Bundy Dr around 10:30pm, June 12, 1994. I don't know for sure who killed Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

Mario George Nitrini 111

The OJ Simpson Case


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